Shogun saves time and allows immediate solutions for web design and development agencies.
Huemor is a web design and development agency that helps small to medium-sized B2B and B2C businesses either rebuild their existing platform, grow their existing platform, or support them in terms of maintenance, debugging and problem-solving.

Image via Shogun
Strategy, design, research, visual execution, and development execution are among the many services they offer blossoming businesses.
Focusing more on the beauty space as of late, Huemor has been using Shogun to create pages for companies like Cover FX and Briogeo Hair.
Here’s an example of what an About Us page looked like before and after Huemor began working with them:

Before image of About Us page

After image of About Us page
Here’s an example of a product page Huemor created for Briogeo Hair using Shogun:

Briogeo product page created using Shogun
Improving Client Satisfaction
As told to Shogun by Huemor’s Digital Strategist, Alex Filippone
Using Shogun, I didn’t need a developer. If I had to put something together, I could do it pretty quickly just by myself. If I had a client that needed changes, I could go in and do it pretty rapidly. If [a client] wants changes, it’s never just one.
Previously, that would add up pretty quickly and become a huge time investment to get a developer to go and make this change, update it on the different staging environments, and then have the client review it. It really just extended the process having to involve [developers], especially on small changes.
Using Shogun really helped to make the process faster and much more seamless. It’s really that simple. [Shogun] has been super helpful getting pages up (especially for landing pages) because we have been able to really use snippets and saving blocks.
[When we] make a block, we then have a whole library of different components we can use and plug in. So whenever there’s a landing page that needs to go up for Cover Effects or anyone else that we/re working with, we have this library of different blocks and components.
Getting Fast Pages Up Against the Competition
As told to Shogun by Huemor’s Digital Strategist, Alex Filippone
We can start from scratch again with a landing page, but for everybody’s efficiency and time, and really getting pages up as quick as you want to, if you can stay within this framework we can definitely make some adjustments but we have such a wide library to begin with. This ended up being a benefit for us.
There was one landing page where they wanted to put up. One of their competitors had recently released a product with fewer options than they were offering. Because of that, they wanted to capitalize with a marketing campaign.
We were able to stand that page up much quicker than if we had to do it from scratch.

Product launch page created using Shogun
Reducing Page Creation Time By 80%
As told to Shogun by Huemor’s Digital Strategist, Alex Filippone
Before, standing up a page without any sort of app assistant is essentially designing the page and having the client approve it (which could be a few days, a week or more).
Once you hand it over to development, you need to outline [the components]—dimensions, font sizes, font scale, etc. so they can go and develop it, reuse what exists, create new things, push it to the live environment, QAing (quality assurance) the new design, and then have the client QA it. [This] could take (depending on how large the page is and the functionality) a week or more.
We’ve pretty much eliminated specking and outlining for development because usually the person who designed the page is going in and creating the page so they know how things are supposed to function.
Instead of spending x amount of hours outlining a page and making mobile and desktop designs and scales, it’s really, “Alright I can go in and I can make this entire page and I’m kind of QAing as I go.” There’s no delay between making a page and then having somebody review it because I know what it’s supposed to look like as I make it.
I can make special mobile considerations at the same time if I realize something isn’t stacking properly or displaying properly. I can make that adjustment on the fly as opposed to waiting for a developer to do it.
It really helps you reduce the back and forth.
Reducing Revisions
On a larger scale, it really just cuts down the time to create a page entirely because we have that shared library of components for existing landing pages. A page that would take an entire week to make we can now put up in 1-2 days.
That would include designing it with the client, going back and forth on little revisions, and then standing up the page and putting in actual content. So it really reduces the amount of work we need to do to create new pages and get the client involved.
You can be on the phone with a client and when they ask for a small change like a bigger font size, you can change it right there [in Shogun], show them, and they can approve it immediately. That’s an hour of time saved.
Utilizing Snippets and Custom Elements
As told to Shogun by Huemor’s Digital Strategist, Alex Filippone
My favorite Shogun feature is definitely the reusable snippets. On my side as the designer working more directly with the client, snippets are super helpful. [You can] drag and drop and suddenly you’ve got this whole part of the page.
I think for the developers, it’s definitely the custom elements. In one instance we needed to have a video overlay modal. We thought, “Okay, we have most of the functionality, but we need to extend it a little bit.” We were able to do that pretty easily with the custom blocks.
Time Saved Using Shogun Helps Huemor Tackle Crucial Issues
As told to Shogun by Huemor’s Digital Strategist, Alex Filippone
We definitely use [Shogun] as a way to build some of those secondary pages on Shopify without really having to think about it on the dev end.
Our time is better spent solving the more complicated product problems, shipping problems, tax problems, and all of that less fun stuff.
The more we can put up a page and build functionality without having to pull a developer off a more conversion-focused or dollar-focused action that a user has to interact with, the better.
The post Web Design Agency Reduces Page Creation Time by 80% Using Shogun appeared first on Shogun Blog.