Boost sales on Black Friday

Today, most business owners offer Black Friday deals to attract customers.
In order to stay ahead of your competitors and stand out amongst others, you need to offer something out of the box.

Promote Black Friday Deals with these great AfterShip Conversions and Automizely features

 Web Push Notifications
 Coupon Popup & Sticky Bar
 Countdown Popup
 Exit-Intent Popup
 Blinking browser Tab

Web Push Notifications

Automizely Messages offer a pop-up, to your site visitors for subscription to web push notifications with a single click. Customers who opt will then receive web push notifications. You can schedule messages and send offers, discounts, promotions or new collections to customers even if they leave your site. The messages are shown at the Android lock screen, just like a mobile app.
Boost sales on Black Friday

Coupon popup & sticky bar

Conversions Popups is an awesome way for you to notify your site visitors about Black Friday deals, as well as turn them into leads and drive sales.
In this case, it can be a popup offering a discount code. The site visitors can apply this discount code once they subscribe to your email list.
By using Automizely - Conversions you can customize your popup with different colors and images.
Boost sales on Black Friday

Most importantly, every Coupon Popup is associated with a bar. The customers can get the coupon code easily as a sticky coupon bar will automatically show on the website after subscription.

You can preview the sticky coupon bar in Popup edit page.
Boost sales on Black Friday

Countdown Popup

It is necessary to create urgency by using the countdown in the popup. It motivates visitors to take action in a subtle way.
Let visitors know how many days, hours and minutes are left until the offer prevails.
Boost sales on Black Friday
Enabled the countdown timer in popup settings and set up the end date of your campaign.

Exit-Intent Popup

Display an exit popup triggered by someone’s intention to leave your site and offer them an additional discount, upon their subscription.
Boost sales on Black Friday

Blinking browser tab

Enable Conversions Blinking tab with an attractive title to grab customer attention for more sales!
Boost sales on Black Friday

It is a new tool to attract visitors by customizing your browser tab title with emoji and text. The browser tab title will blink with the new message when customers exit and the tab becomes inactive.

Fashion Nova is already using this amazing tool to attract users.
Boost sales on Black Friday

So, go ahead and experience the new features!