Five years ago, AfterShip set off with a mission: to make shipment tracking easier for online sellers and buyers.
We've now reached 130,000 registered users all over the world.
With a lot of great feedback and ideas from people like you, our team has worked hard building this new design and hope to give you a better tracking experience.
Long story short, here's a summary of the changes before we look in details (GIFS speak louder than words):
- New feature: branded Tracking Page to engage customers and upsell your products
- Improved dashboard to find out your shipping performance
- Key tracking information displayed in one page with less clicks (e.g. delivery time)
- New look and feel
- Free users will also have access to our API at a lower rate limit
Meet Your Branded Tracking Page
Your customers love delivery updates. They track shipments on average 2.4 times per package. So when you install the Tracking Page from AfterShip on your website, you show your customers you care about them.
The Tracking Page provides helpful information for your customer who can easily view:
- the latest delivery status
- expected delivery date
- courier’s name
- contact details
- your social media channels
You can set up your Tracking Page with your own custom domain name. Here's an example below with Grana and their Tracking Page available at
Discover A New AfterShip Design
We cover the different changes on your 'Dashboard', 'Trackings', 'Notifications', 'Apps' and 'Settings'.
Hello New Dashboard
The first thing you'll notice as you connect is a brand new dashboard, where all your icons are on the left. From there, you can check your shipping performance from the past 30 days.
- Dashboard & Navigation Bar
Better Tracking Experience
- Add Tracking
When you add tracking numbers, you can add emails and phone number in one go!
- Search Tracking
We wanted a simpler method for you to find tracking numbers, so now you can filter your search by status, courier, origin country, destination, and transit days:
- Better Tracking Information
Based on the tracking status provided by specific couriers like FedEx or UPS, we are now able to show you the estimated date of arrival of your parcel.
- Select your triggers
Whether you choose to trigger emails or sms to engage with your customers after-sales, you can select for which status you'd like them to be in the loop. You have the choice between 'Info Received', 'In Transit', 'Out for Delivery', 'Delivered', 'Failed Attempt', or 'Exception':
- Add a Courier
It's faster to add an active courier on your account. Just search for the right one, click on it. And when you need to remove one active, hit the little basket and it's gone:
- Tracking Page
As mentioned, you can select the theme you want to apply to your 'Tracking Page' between 'Basic', 'Material', or 'Social' (when you are a premium user). For free user, you only have the 'Basic' option available.
You can add your logo, favicon, and connect your Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram account to display your most recent pics:
You will find your API key—and all the information with it—into 'Settings' now. Note that it used to be in 'Apps' before.
More Interactive Support
We introduced interactive guides so it's easier than ever to start tracking one shipment, or add a courier. We guide you every step of the way.
- Guides
Have you noticed that little light bulb?
- Help
Have a question? Click on the question mark to display the most common questions. You can search for key terms, or select the topics pre-selected. You can as well send us a message if you still need help. We'll reply within one business day:
What do you think?
As always, we love your feedback. Don't hesitate to reply to us in the comments below, or send us an email at Connect to your [AfterShip account](" target="_blank)